Artist Statement
" I love learning through process and open to fails. This is what I’ve done in this case. I just let myself take photos of things that I liked. And soon I noticed that there is a certain patterns of photos in my album. Patterns of likes, objects, angles, aesthetics, lights, colors and etc. With all these, I rediscovered my passion.
I noticed that for me human factor is very important in my pictures. Not directly humans themselves, but rather the final cause of their behaviour and the traces they leave after themselves. Because what we call the city, is not buildings and not people in it. It’s final point of our behaviour. And culture of the city or nation is not legends or holidays. It’s daily routine behaviour of them.
Looking from this perspective, it didnt take too much for me to discover these little objects that people use to hang in their cars windshield and having long-term connection with them. Whether its daily commuting, family trip, business ride, or next taxi route, these objects become part of our life and for me they have minor but yet very interesting impact to us. I consider that we all humans have artistic feelings, but not all of us know how to express ourselves. But when I look at these objects they speak to me about taste, religion, lifestyle, passion, interest of people. For me this is a great way to express one’s inner nature and feelings. And it’s a sweet mystery why people choose one object over another one?! And giving it more meaning. "